To consider the following Motion on Notice under Standing Order B13:

Motions submitted for consideration directly by Council, in accordance with Standing Order 22.1

i)             From Cllr Whitcroft

Reforming Residents' Priority Parking in York

“This Council notes that:

·        Residents' Priority Parking (ResPark) schemes are crucial for managing parking pressures in residential areas of York;

·        The current ResPark system is limited in scope and requires complex, time-consuming consultations for implementation or changes;

·        Many residential streets currently lack ResPark protection, including a proportion of streets close to the city centre, and streets around schools and other key trip attractors throughout the city, leading to parking issues for residents.

 This Council believes that:

·        All residents within the City of York boundary should have equitable access to car parking and ideally also car club schemes near to their homes, which can help to ease local parking pressures; 

·        The current consultation process for ResPark schemes is overly bureaucratic and expensive to the council and delays implementation of necessary parking controls, particularly with the 50% recommended turnout guideline;

·        A more streamlined and comprehensive approach to ResPark would benefit residents and improve overall parking management in the city.

Council resolves to request Executive:

·        Simplifies the process for implementing and modifying ResPark schemes by:


o   Developing a set of standardised criteria for ResPark eligibility;

o   Developing a streamlined consultation and implementation process for ResPark schemes, in accordance with current legislation;

o   Conducting a city-wide review of the Respark process;

o   Working to reform the turnout guideline in Residents’ Parking consultations to reflect area-specific issues for some streets, including consistently unoccupied properties, short-term and part time occupancy properties, and HMOs;

o   Reviewing the pricing structure for ResPark permits to ensure fair pricing for residents.


·        asks the Executive Member for Transport to work with council officers to present a detailed plan and timeline for expanding and reforming ResPark, in accordance with existing legislation, to the Executive, when capacity exists;


·        Commits to implementing a reformed ResPark system, having considered the measures proposed in this motion and in accordance with existing legislation.”